Wiki. Kiwi. A simple anagram, or a deeply shocking coincidence ? I'm just asking the question. We need to look at these things.And is it simply a coincidence or something far more sinister that Julian Assange is an anagram of  Ian Jus-Lasagne ? I'm just asking the question...

But first. More shocks. Yes, even more.

TransTasman relations in tatters as latest Wikileaks reveal Foreign Minister K. Rudd's deep-seated hatred of NZ. In cables to the PM he begs for permission to attack our nearest neighbour, explaining that while NZ had  done nothing specific to offend Australia ... " they just sort of shit me big time with their tuneful voices and infectious melodies and their unwooded semillion and their big girls blouse 100% virgin wool no-nuke approach to international diplomacy and if you ask me Flight of the Concordes are  bit overrated ... "

Good. Just so long as there's nothing irrational going on here. But wait, there's more ...

Confidential emails to Julia Gillard reveal Kevin Rudd  urging that we "nuke the smug little hobbitf---ers so far back into middle earth that they think Gandalf's the name of a new Suzuki SUV "

Kiwi PM Mr Thingammy has replied that he's a bit hurt about the whole thing really and that he had no idea Mr Rudd felt that way, but that at least he didn't make fun of their accent.

"Ekchually I dud" said Mr Rudd

NEXT POST: Conspiracy Theories. Is there more to them than they're telling us ??

Until next time, if any of this makes sense, you're  probably already having a Sun Ra kind of a day


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