Thank you for joining us to celebrate 14 years of Alias Poor Yorick. You are all very kind. Pictured above is our CEO and Editor Jeff Browett. We think he is, as usual, trying to prove he really can talk underwater. Later he will attempt to blow out birthday candles underwater so that might be worth tuning in for (1130 AEST). 

In the meantime the junior members of staff are celebrating our BIG FOURTEEN by getting drunk like 14 yr olds. This involves drinking 6 longnecks of DB Lager in half an hour before going into the party, and almost always ends with an hour of throwing up in a flowerbed before passing out.

Seasoned party goers amongst our staff ... what am I saying, seasoned party goers are our staff. Anyway they appear to be pacing themselves, drinking coffee and reminiscing in French ..ah oui. Ou sont les cocaine binges d'antan ? before joing the senior editorial staff to gaze on the paper mountains of glowing reviews, encouraging comments, and official accolades we've received over the years. In honour of the occasion we've chosen to print them all

"This is supposed to be funny, right ?"      Tony Holden, TVNZ Light Ent Producer 1979 -1979

Over the fourteen long years since Oct 17 2010 we've published approximately 239 posts including about 20 or 30 apologies. Sometimes for not publishing posts, sometimes for publishing posts, and sometimes just for things other people have done which call for an apology and we were a bit short of ideas. Sorry. We seem to have readers all over the world, from Afghanistan to Zaire, and at one stage had a strong following in Ukraine and Russia. If that caused the war, again, we're sorry. 

So there we are. We've gone from being a tiny boutique operation out of a townhouse in Ringwood to being a boutique operation out of a townhouse in Preston. We now have a subscription base you wouldn't believe and have been nominated for awards all over the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Thank you and I have to go now before I embarrass my self by crying or admitting I've run out of ideas four sentences before the end of the post. 


Jeff Browett CEO Alias Poor Yorick  (yes of course it was me all along. You can't blow out candles underwater. Please don't ask how I know this)


  1. Many congradulations. You can actually blow out candles underwater but they are fiendishly hard to swallow to begin with and may not make it through the digestive tract intact.

    1. I did not know that. Are you coming to the after party? You know the top secret one that mo ome knows about except a few elites


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