F.Castro (Fast bowler) & Malcolm X (Opening Bat) IF YOU WISH TO REMAIN IN THE AUSTRALIAN CRICKET TEAM, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING SIMPLE QUESTIONS: 1. The game you are paid an obscene amount of money to play is ... (a) So much better than working for a living (b) Hitting the roundy leather thing with the flat wooden stick type thing (c) Cricket We know this seems like a real simple one, but humour us here. By the way, if you haven't ticked (c) Cricket, please go back and tick (c) Cricket. This is the correct answer. Let's please for everyone's sake at least pretend to be on the same page. Okay ... 2. Cricket is .... ? (a) warfare without the guns (b) a chance for a couple of dozen flannelled fools to ponce around shouting "Huzzah" and "Jolly good show Tarquin" for no apparent reason over several days. (c) as good a way as any to fill in time bet...