The Usual Excuses

Well it's that time of the year when we here at Alias Poor Yorick traditionally offer up  apologies and excuses for being late to press. It's February already and nary a post to be seen. It almost goes without saying that we were waiting for parts to arrive from Sydney. It's an old excuse but a good one. Besides, I like it. Our team was also frightfully busy writing jokes for Sir Peter Jackson's third installment of the Hobbit trilogy "The Hobbit: Shit, It Goes on a Bit Doesn't It ?"

Anyway, this year for something a little different I thought we'd try apologising for a couple of things which aren't in any way our fault but it just seems like someone should apologise for them. And I've picked:

(a) The invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 by the Italian Army under the direction of Mussolini

(b) Dr Geoffrey Edelsten

(c) Matchbox 20

Three ghastly pointless horrible detours on the road of life. Sorry. Really really sorry.

And finally, sorry about the photo. It's a bit special isn't it. Sorry.

Looking over this post I must of course apologise for the poor quality of excuses this year. I promise we will do better next year There will be real actual comedy on Alias Poor Yorick perhaps as early as tomorrow. In the meantime here's a bit of a pilot joke. I'll be running this past Netflix as proof-of-concept.

"How many North Korean comedy writers does it take to change a light bulb ?

"Kim Jong-Un is a fabulous leader. He is a King among Kings. He has the compassion and wisdom of a god. He has a shiny gold penis of extraordinary beauty. Please do not kill my aunt and uncle. Thank you."

And, once again, sorry about the picture. God it's awful.


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