Let me just say two things: I am not dead yet, I would like some cheese, and Malcolm Turnbull is a complete bastard. And so is Julie Bishop. She gave me girl germs. And don't get me started on that treacherous little twink Christopher Pyne. Or Scott Morrison. Yes I know that's more than two things, that wasn't a promise you bloody pedants that was an ambit claim. Don't start with me or I'll have them build a coal mine in your backyard. Yes your actual backyard. I'll still got friends. I'll email Greg Hunt. I told him when he first became Environment Minister I said Greg, mate, we can't be worrying about the impact of a few billion tonnes of coal being mined. Of course we care about the environment but at the same time the environment needs to toughen the fuck up. No-one wants a namby-pamby sickly girlie poof of an environment. And if somehow in spite of our best efforts we completely bugger it, we'll just buy a new one on eBay. Greece could prob...