T HE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND TOTALLY WONDERFUL LORD MALCOLM TURNBULL, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA ... so I said to Joe Hockey, mate I could replace you with a iPhone 6, at least it'd take a better picture. ... oh shit I'm sorry I didn't see that microphone there... Bring me the ermine underpants of ultimate authority, I am here to save the nation. Now I won't be taking questions as such as we gather here today to survey the unalloyed and undeniable magnificence that is me, but I'm sure in the course of our encounter I will answer all of your questions and many you haven't even thought of yet & just generally be damned impressive. Speaking of which, I've been advised I've got a bit of Sun-God/personal radiance thing going on, and those of you in the first twenty or thirty rows may want to throw on some sun-block. There have been first degree burns. I want and need of all you to worship me in safety. So when, I hear you whisper i...