FERRET OLYMPIC REVIEW COMMITTEE I've had a quick look over the findings of the committee of enquiry into Ferret Olympic performance, and I'd have to say they've done a pretty fair job. Since Ferret Olympic policy shifted away from actual events and medal tallies, and concentrated on the real business of the Olympics, which is excuses, idiotic behaviour, and excuses for idiotic behaviour, ferrets are coming up gold! Ferret excuses have improved massively, both in quality and quantity. Ferret swimmers complained the water was too wet, ferret runners complained that the starting guns had frightened them and they were disadvantaged by having to run a really long way on tiny little legs, and ferret archers claimed the daylight hurt their eyes and the events should have been held at night. Olympic standard whinging !! Bravo !! I thought the committee may have seen fit to draw special attention to the ferret hurdler who, after downing fifteen lagers and placing seco...