I for one welcome our new Ferret overlords. This has nothing to do with the fact that the Ferret Nation has seen fit to deed me the south island of New Zealand. And before harsh words fly I'd like to remind you all that collaborator is an ugly word. Not as ugly as axolotl but that's another matter. People, we need the Ferrets to lead us. They are kind and good and have very sharp teeth. The three essential attributes of successful leaders. But wait, there's more ... WHY FERRETS WILL MAKE GREAT LEADERS 1. No ferret has ever uttered the phrase "the jus served with the Chicken Bazerol lacked ethical coherence" 2. Ferrets can water ski and do differential calculus at the same time 3. Middle-aged white ferrets do not wear dreadlocks or buy Harleys & call their wives "my old lady" 4. All ferrets are adept at the much-malign...