I've had this rather disturbing letter I thought I should share with you all. It's from a Mr Billable-Hours of the eminent legal firm Ersatz, Cocaine, Ponytail, and Bottomfeeder Mr Jeff Browett Editor/CEO ALIAS POOR YORICK Dear Sir, I'm writing in regard to your two sons Rupert and Frinton (Good God man what were you thinking ? Were you drunk ? Trying to get them into Eton ? Both ?) who you sold to the gypsies twelve years ago for allegedly "being naughty". I represent the two gypsies to whom you sold the boys. There appear to be a number of problems with the arrangement, to whit (no I don't know what it means either but my boss told me I had to put in stuff like that). Anyway. There is no legal basis, either in statute or by common law precedent, to sell your children to the gypsies "for being naughty" Secondly, and I've consulted with colleagues on this one, refusing to buy you a carton of Benson & Hedges and deliver it to ...