Do mermaids really use luggage ? Or for that matter, do mermaids need bathing caps ? Is it only 1950s' mermaids who wear them ? As you know, we here at ALIAS POOR YORICK insist on asking the difficult questions. Not always the big important ones, but the ones we ask are extremely interesting, like "Which pre-20th Century psychotic mass-killer are you ?" I'm Vlad the Impaler. Go figure. But more importantly, do aliens live among us ? Surveys show that possibly as many as 17% of Americans believe that aliens are here & living unnoticed among us. Why are they here ? Is it because Netflix will not allow them to purchase "House of Cards" on their home planet ? Do they wish to make contact with our old friends the ferrets in order to form some sort of superpower axis of awesomeness ? Do they wish to learn all they can about our ways, then enslave us, and use us in a thousand unspeakable ways? Is it some sort of adventure holiday for them ? Clearly...