The Unbearable Lightness of Bean

I have struggled over the years with the single origin espresso on offer at Expresso Espresso. There has been strength without comprehension, power without passion, and sometimes that most exquisite but fatal flaw in a single origin coffee - beauty without restraint. This has all changed. A new bean, an exciting new beginning. They would only tell me it comes from a bush, somewhere in the foothills of Senegal, which was once urinated on by a white rhino. It is not for me to speculate about spiritual significance of this animal, but there is magic afoot. There is at first sip a reluctance to engage. It is as if the coffee were saying "come here, no go away". And then the dance begins. There is Berlioz, there is Bartok, there is even a hint of Wagner at his more lyrical and lilting. There is that life-affirming splash of ozone as the lightening storm approaches. There is cinnamon and chocolate and tobacco and Armagnac all tied up in a der...