Kids these days. I was talking to my young nephew who tells me he's going to try sky-diving. Been having lessons. Lessons ? What the hell for ? He tells me for a start you learn how to fold your parachute. Parachute ?? Pathetic little pansies. In my day you just leaped out of a plane and hoped for the best. Try to find a nice haystack or a pond or something. We're raising a whole bloody generation wrapped in cotton wool. It'll end badly. We need to toughen these kids up. 40kph speed zones outside schools ? Horseshit. How do we expect to raise the next generation of Olympic sprinters if we're not giving them some incentive ? In my day we had no speed limits at all. And there were snipers. Well, okay, not snipers as such, just the local hoons armed with bren guns and flagons of cream sherry, but they still potted a few of us. Which did us no bloody harm at all. Sometimes we just wagged school and got mauled by lions instead. And let me tell you, that's a real ...